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Mountain Lake




What makes you happy?  What do you need to accomplish in order to feel like you have been successful?  Not very many people would define happiness as having a certain sized bank account balance.  Sure, having money helps, but financial planning is less about what rate of return you earn and more about how to gain that feeling of satisfaction with life.   By gaining control of your financial situation you remove the burden of the stress of money.  Financial planning is all about working hard and smart to achieve a sense of bliss.

Camping in Mountains



The first thing we do for our clients is help identify and define their realistic goals and concerns.  What are you trying to achieve?  What are you trying to avoid?  Making sure there is a clear understanding of where you want to be makes the path much easier to follow.  By identifying what you want to accomplish it is also much easier to relieve the stress of an uncertain market.  Financial planning helps people stay focused on the task at hand to work towards their goals, and not fall in to the trap of following popular, speculative financial fads.


Everyone sees the world differently, and an individual’s attitude towards money is no different.  Two people of a similar demographic with similar objectives can have completely different attitudes towards their finances.  Proper personal financial planning should reflect those differences.  By understanding your goals, your time horizon, your attitude towards risk and the tools you have to work with, we can tailor a plan that will help you pursue your objectives in an efficient manner.  All while making sure each recommendation is in your comfort zone.


Financial planning is not a process of setting it and forgetting it. The financial plan is an ever changing process, evolving over time as your life changes.  As active participants in a financial plan, both a client and a planner need to be reactive to personal and external events to make sure that you are always on course.  The process starts from the day you identify what you are trying to achieve and does not end until you pass along the fruit of your hard work to your loved ones for generations and generations to come.  For financial planning to work you must be dedicated to your goals and comfortable working with your financial planner to focus on those goals.  Not buying into the planning process and not being active in the process year in and year out can make it a futile endeavor.

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